Wooldridge Library Addition and Renovation
​​Scope of Work
Addition and renovation to the entrance to the main campus library ground floor. Added 16,000 square feet of new STEM classrooms (robotics, virtual reality lab, recording studios and computer science) as well as a new admissions suite.
​​Design Approach
The library is the one of the most prominent buildings on campus and was originally constructed in the early 1990's. The existing structure is a brick building which lacked engagement with the entry plaza. The addition to the building is a two story 6,000 square foot metal and glass box which contains a new lobby with a steel and wood stair enclosure which leads to the main floor of the library which became the unifying element of the design.
The existing 10,000 s.f. first floor was previously several interior classrooms surrounded by a u-shaped corridor, constructed of concrete block with no light. The new design removed all but the existing concrete columns, which were exposed, and added a mostly glass walled space with a wood slat ceiling to open up the space and provide light and warmth. The design added space in the corridors for individual and group study and interactive display areas for student work and demonstration. The addition also contains two added classrooms, a board room and new admissions suite and will be the showpiece for new visitors on campus
Atlanta, Georgia​​